14 Days Tastings: Vive La Différence!

Chocolate Tasting: Vive La Différence! The Rock is home to some 8 different micro-climates (out of 13 worldwide), and was traditionally divided into many more “ahupua’a.” Some folks find these different regions result in different flavor profiles. Take a taste tour of Big Island “moku” (districts) chocolate, each made from the cacao of a different region of the island. Features Madre Chocolate, Maverick Chocolate, Puna Single-District Chocolate, Waialua Estate Chocolate. (Tasting at Koana, 12:30pm-2:00pm, limit 8 participants, sign up at Koana or sign up via email to KoanaHawaii@gmail.com.)

Order BrandBarBatchSource
1PunaPunaNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
2PunaHiloNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
3PunaHamakuaNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
4MaverickBig IslandNAMaverick Online
5PunaHakalauNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
6PunaKohalaNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
7MadreKona CriolloNAKohala Center Market
8PunaCaptain CookNAPuna Chocolate Hilo
9Waialua Estate70%111821Cocoa Outlet
  1. Sniff: pop the top off of the chocolate container and smell the aroma.
  2. Rub: if there’s not enough aroma to smell, lightly rub the surface of the chocolate.
  3. Look: pull out a piece of chocolate and look at it, the top, bottom, and sides.
  4. Snap: bring the piece of chocolate next to your ear, and break it in two.
  5. Lick: put the piece between your tongue and top of your mouth and lick it.
  6. Melt: let the chocolate stay on the top of your tongue to melt in your mouth.
  7. Chew: when softened, chomp the chocolate to release the flavors.
  8. Finish: note the final flavors theat linger after you’ve eaten the chocolate.