14 Days: You Complete Me

You Complete Me. Some flavors dramatically affect chocolate’s own complex nuances. Explore these complements to chocolate, from the familiar to the exotic.

Features Hamakua Chocolate, Manoa Chocolate, Pa’auilo Chocolate, Puna Chocolate, RIMS Chocolate. 

Tasting at Koana, February 5, 12:30pm-2:00pm, limit 5 participants, sign up at Koana or sign up via email to  KoanaHawaii@gmail.com.)

Order BrandBarSource
1Pa’auiloKilla VanillaKohala Center Market
2RIMS64% Vanilla ChocolateRIMS Cacao and Coffee
3HamakuaSea SaltHamakua Chocolate Farm
4RIMSOrange & SaltRIMS Cacao and Coffee
6HamakuaCoffee LatteHamakua Chocolate Farm
7ManoaAli’i Kula LavendarFoodland Waimea
8HamakuaLi Hing MuiHamakua Chocolate Farm
  1. Sniff: pop the top off of the chocolate container and smell the aroma.
  2. Rub: if there’s not enough aroma to smell, lightly rub the surface of the chocolate.
  3. Look: pull out a piece of chocolate and look at it, the top, bottom, and sides.
  4. Snap: bring the piece of chocolate next to your ear, and break it in two.
  5. Lick: put the piece between your tongue and top of your mouth and lick it.
  6. Melt: let the chocolate stay on the top of your tongue to melt in your mouth.
  7. Chew: when softened, chomp the chocolate to release the flavors.
  8. Finish: note the final flavors theat linger after you’ve eaten the chocolate.